Ophiuchus : The 13th Zodiac Sign

As per the year 2011, we'll have the following sun signs:

Aries                :           April 19 - May 13
Taurus             :           May 14 - June 19
Gemini             :           June 20 - July 20
Cancer             :           July 21 - August 9
Leo                  :           August 10 - September 15
Virgo               :           September 16 - October 30
Libra                :           October 31 - November 22
Scorpio            :           November 23 - November 29
Ophiuchus       :           November 30 - December 17
Sagittarius       :           December 18 - January 18
Capricorn        :           January 19 - February 15
Aquarius          :           February 16 - March 11
Pisces              :           March 12 - April 18

                The dawn of 2011 has brought in a new addition to the group of sun signs. The newest sign in the sun sign table is Ophiuchus. Infants who are born after January 2011, will have the above assigned sun signs according to their date of birth. For those who are born prior to 2011, will have the same sun signs which they have been following for all these years.
                But seriously, I don’t fuckin’ care if there are 12 or 13 or even a hundred sun signs. I don’t believe in stuff called horoscope. Yes, I do check my horoscope if I see it in a magazine or a newspaper but I’m not that kinda person who will buy a newspaper especially to check his horoscope.
Well, till 2010, I was a Scorpio but as 2011 dawned, the Earth’s axis shifted and we all experienced a mild tremor and our sun signs changed. I’m a Libra now. As far as my behavioral traits are concerned, anyone with a little knowledge of horoscope will tell you that I’m a Scorpio. But now with the change in Earth’s axis and alignment, only my sun sign has changed. I don’t think my behavior is gonna change due to the change in Earth’s inclination.
                Of course, there is a super power that controls all of us but I think we should have faith in ourselves as well. These sun signs and stuff is for the weak who don’t believe in themselves.

Sean Tribianni